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Ms Anita Constance Baptist


Chief Executive Officer

Anita has been the CEO of the Tucker-Baptist since 2017.  She has over 30 years’ experience as an Executive Headteacher, Principal, Director of Education and School Improvement Consultant. She has led schools and school improvement across a very wide range of all-through, Secondary, Primary, Academies, Special Schools and Sixth Form Colleges.


Across a range of schools, Anita has led strategic developments, school improvement services, raising attainment,  quality assurance,  teaching and learning, business and enterprise, Academy conversions, mergers, marketing as well as the set-up, development and expansion of a number of brand new schools and Trusts 

 All have attained gradings of "Good / Outstanding." 


Anita also practices as an Executive Headteacher and a National Leadership Mentor, providing challenge & support to fellow Principals, SLT, MLT, teachers.

"She creates an atmosphere where everyone can achieve more'"

"Any organisation would be lucky to have her as their Leader"

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